Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Graphic design reviews

Honest Logos

Graphic design reviews

Viktor Hertzis a swedish graphic designer who has come up with a series of logos that he has called 'Honest Logos'. This series consists of updated versions of global renowned brands...stating the truth behind their brand. They have been going around the web for a while now, but it's never late to see funny and clever twists on logos we can recognize immediately. Check out his work,...

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Great logos: brief background of famous logos

Graphic design reviews

Big companies usually have great logos that precede their name. Most people can identify a brand just by having a glimpse of the logo and that's one of the reasons that good design plays a big part in the success of it. Let's take a look at some of the most memorable logos and how they came to become such successful designs. Let's take a look at how some of today's most popular brands...

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Brand review: The Icecreamists, London

Design & Style Graphic design reviews

Would you associate the idea of ice cream with skulls and bones and a gothic style to it? Would you? The Icecreamistsin London did, they decided that ice cream is about pleasure and sin, a pretty odd choice to pair up with dessert. But it works. In a twisted, dark way, it really works. Maybe it's because they're british, or because they are so engaged in their vision, their passion...

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Great design review: chalk drawn typography

Design & Style Graphic design reviews

The ultimate trend of designing with type has become a recurrent inspiration that ends a lot of times with pretty amazing results. This time, the impressive work of NYC based graphic designer Dana Tanamachi definitely makes an impression with her chalk hand-drawn typography. Her work has been featured in a series of magazines and events.

The retro-style that she uses recurrently, fits...

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Old school crafts: calligraphy love

Graphic design reviews Videos

With the incredible amount of design software and new digital techniques available, many of the traditional methods of graphic design have been neglected in favour of the modern facilities. It doesn't mean in any way that one way is better than the other, it's just nice to see that the old school ways haven't been forgotten and can still measure up to the new standards of great design.

Here are...

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