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Design news: London olympics stamps

Design & Style Industry News Logo & Brand review

If you can't still adjust to the idea that it is already 2012, here's a small reminder that the olympics are being held in London this year, and the british are commemorating the games with the release of various sets of stamps.

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RIP: The Typewriter

Industry News

Godrej and Boyce, a company in India, was the last company on the planet that was still manufacturing typewriters. They've announced recently that they will be closing up shop, and with that, the last typewriter ever made - has been made.

"We are not getting many orders now," Milind Dukle, the company's manager, told The Daily Mail. "From the early 2000s onwards, computers started dominating. All the manufacturers of office typewriters stopped production, except us. 'Till 2009, we used to produce 10,000 to 12,000 machines a year. But this might be the last chance for typewriter lovers. Now, our primary market is among the defense agencies, courts and government offices."

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Twitter Redesigns Their Homepage

Industry News

The Twitter homepage has already gone through a handful of changes in it's five year life, and this latest one makes an attempt to portray Twitter as a global communication entity. Which I suppose, it is. Twitter co-founder Evan Williams tweeted the following message after the changes went live:

Very happy the team got the new Twitter homepage out the door. Definitely was time for a refresh.

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Google Earth Builder

Industry News

Today Google announced an exciting new product called Google Earth Builder. They say its purpose is to assist businesses process and handle geographic data, taking the pressure off of private servers. "It lets you upload, process, and store your geospatial data in our cloud," Google Enterprise Blog explained. "No technical expertise or GIS training is required."

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RIP Google Video

Industry News

online video google

As of April 29th, Google is shutting down Google Video for good. Fortunately for them, the search giant already owns YouTube, which is the number one online video site, with 144.1 million unique viewers per month.

Google Video was born in 2005, but quickly became irrelevant to Google when they cleverly purchased YouTube in 2006. Google stopped allowing new uploads a couple of years ago and is now asking that users move their content over to YouTube.

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