Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Industry News

Google Patents The Idea Of Cycling Logos

Industry News

Google is back in the news today for acquiring a U.S. patent for its changing logo system, something they call "Google Doodles." The patent was granted this week, after being in submission purgatory since 2001.

The patent goes by the name "Systems and Methods for Enticing Users to a Web Site." The description declares that the patent is for the invention of "periodically changing story line and/or special event company logo to entice users to access a web page."

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Sprint Nexus S 4G - The Logo

Industry News

Most of the tech nerds out there knew that the Nexus S was coming to Sprint for a while, but leave it to Engadget to be the first to leak the official logo for the project. Take a look below, courtesy of Engadget.

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Twitter Turns 5

Industry News

Happy 5th birthday to the one of the top three social networking sites in the world. Five years ago today, the first tweet ever was sent by co-founder Jack Dorsey. That legendary first tweet read ‘Inviting coworkers’. Since that fateful day, Twitter has achieved insane success, with current tweets in excess of one billion tweets per week. Twitter employs over 400 people, and approximately 460,000 new Twitter accounts are created every day. The website is currently valued at $4 billion.

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No St. Patrick’s Day Logo On Google Homepage

Industry News

This is the first time in 8 years that Google does not a specified St. Patrick's Day logo on the home page. Google does have a special logo on Google Ireland but not on Speculations abound about Google not posting it globally because of the enormous crisis in Japan, yet no one from the Google camp has confirmed anything yet.

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Apple Applies For Trademark on Beatles Logo

Industry News

Apple has put into motion the final steps towards ownership of the Beatles' Granny Smith logo that they won from the Beatles' record label in 2007.

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