Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — logo templates

Pixellogo Template Review: Logo-1027

Logo Templates

It's been a while since our last review but things over the Pixellogo team have been busy preparing some surprises that we hope to reveal soon! This time I bring you Logo-1027, a very simple design that doesn't fall short of portraying a clear concept. The overall design resembles the shape of a 6-pointed star, each one with a dot in between the individual arrows that together form said star....

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Pixellogo Template Review: Logo-2580

Logo Templates

Today's Pixellogo Template review is about Logo-2580, one of our latest releases. This particular design comes in the form of a winged crest, an allusion to the style sported in race cars. The silhouette of a lion is in the middle of the emblem, another detail that goes back to the heraldic style. This template accomplishes to mix different elements that differ in their usual context (i.e....

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Pixellogo Template Review: Logo-1578

Logo Templates

We're showcasing featured posts that review the logo templates of our catalog. Today's logo template review is about Logo-1578, one of our signature designs featuring a human shape holding a sphere on their shoulders. An interesting concept for your brand.

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Pixellogo Template Review: Logo-1678

Logo Templates

We're showcasing featured posts that review the logo templates of our catalog. Today's logo template review is about Logo-1678, one of our classic designs that's a perfect fit for your fashion company.

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Pixellogo Template Review: Logo-2547

Logo Templates

We're showcasing featured posts that review the logo templates of our catalog. Today's logo template review is about Logo-2547, one of our latest releases featuring a gem-like crest design that will add a dash of elegance to your brand.

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