Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Printing

5 different file types and their uses


As a designer, I often have to work with many different types of file formats. Because I spend most of my days lost in a world of graphics and applications, I often forget that all of these different types of file formats can be quite overwhelming and confusing for some of my clients who may have little to no computer experience. Every now and then, I receive a flustered phone call...

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Bleed: Why Add It to Designs Before Printing?

BLEED Printing

There are a lot of different factors that you need to take into consideration when you are preparing your designs for print. You need to consider which files your printer will need, the fonts and colours used in your files as well as many other factors involved in the printing process. One very important element that you also need to think about is bleed.

What is bleed?

Bleed is a word that...

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Printing a Logo Design: Key Questions for the Printer


How to do you choose a printer?So, you’ve created a logo design or you’ve purchased a logo template from and now, you would like to have your logo design printed on your business cards and stationery designs. How do you choose a printer? What questions should you ask a printer before giving them your project to print? Sending a project to print can be very stressful and confusing. Many of our customers here...

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Printing Tips: Choosing Digital Vs. Offset Printing


Digital vs offset printing checklistSo, you’ve finished creating your logo design, business cards, stationery design, poster art or magazine and now, you need to have it printed. You understand the differences between digital printing and offset printing because you read my post, Digital vs. Offset Printing, but you’re still a little confused. Which is the best printing process for you project? Is there a checklist that can...

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Digital vs offset printing


In the past, when someone wanted to have something printed, the decision was fairly straightforward. Offset printing was often the clear and natural choice for most printing jobs. In the past decade however, interest in and the rising availability of digital printinghas started to make the choice more difficult. There has been an explosion of new digital printing companies on the internet...

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