Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Printing

Breathtaking Poster Art


Whenever I'm at a local arts and crafts fair, I usually find myself slowly drifting towards the back of the room towards the enigmatic poster section. I think my obsession with poster art began in the age old days of movie stores. I used to walk around these stores with my head cocked to the side, staring bright-eyed with amazement at all the wonderful movie posters around me as my mother rummaged through the 99 cent movie bin looking for something to entertain me if only for a few hours. In my later years, as I slowly began to discover the world of graphic design, my fascination only deepened and out of it grew a great appreciation and respect for this form of art.

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Scary Halloween Print Ads


My favourite spooky holiday is just around the corner and I'm so excited!! I absolutely love everything about Halloween. From the candies and the costumes to the office parties and the advertising, Halloween makes me giggle, it makes me shutter and it makes my hair stand on end.

In the spirit of this upcoming Hallows Eve, I thought I would do something a little different today. I want to share with you some of the imaginative and eerie print ads that have been created around the world to help commemorate this bone-chilling holiday. I will start with some recent ads and then, I will show you some of my all-time favourite Halloween print ads from years past. Finally, at the end of the post, I've also included some great Halloween videos that I found. I definitely got a kick out of this collection of scary Halloween ads and I hope that you do too!

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Get inspired with this amazing collection of typography poster designs


There are truly some amazing poster designs out there where print designers cleverly use type to convey their message. Typography, when used creatively in print design, can strongly influence the reader and leave them with a lasting impression of your work. Today, I want to share some incredible typography-based poster designs with you in hopes that they inspire you to create something beautiful.

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Impressive Brochure & Book Designs for Print


When it comes to design for print and brochures, there are so many gorgeous designs out there. Only limited by their imaginations, print designers are a talented and diverse bunch that are breaking conventions, blowing minds and redefining the direction of print media for years to come. Struggling to compete in an Internet dominated world, print designers have realized that these days, they need to be more creative and gutsy if they want to get noticed. While most of us still have an affinity for printed work, we are the Internet generation and we invariably seek out that which is different and that which can capture the attention of our overly stimulated minds.

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11 Amazing Designs that use Foil Blocking


Are you looking to spice up your business card or brochure designs?  Do you want them to have more pop and leave a more lasting impression on your clients? Foil blocking is an excellent printing technique that can bring your designs to life and give it that distinctive punch that you have been looking for.

Foil blocking is a very special printing finish whereby a...

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