Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Printing

Holiday Graphic Design Inspo: Xmas Cards, Posters, Illustrations


Sitting here at my desk, staring out my window at the snow falling outside, I can't help but be overcome with excitement and good feelings as winter is upon us and Christmas is fast approaching. Knowing full well that this feeling won't last much past December, I feel compelled to pay heed to the Christmas spirit all around me and once again, showcase some fabulous Christmas graphic design works that I have come across on the internet. So here it is folks, some beautiful new Christmas designs that will hopefully inspire you and help to hurl you, if you aren't already, into Christmas mode.

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Creative Xmas Print Ads & Global Holiday Inspiration


Well folks, we're one day away from December. Winter is undeniably here to stay and Christmas is right around the corner. It is a time for merriment, family, presents and the usual onslaught of Christmas advertisement. We are about to be inundated with Christmas print ads and Christmas songs everywhere we go. Are you ready?

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Christmas Cards and other Holiday Graphic Design Inspiration


With Christmas right around the corner, we truly are in store for some great new graphic design works for print. I love this time of year and I especially love all the wonderful Christmas cards and Christmas posters that start to litter both our houses and our streets. The whole graphic design community seems to perk up and create some truly dazzling and spectacular Christmas creations for print at this time of year.

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Foil Blocking: the Special Printer Finish You Need


Foil Blocking is an amazing printing technique that adds a distinct element of quality and professionalism to your designs. It is a very special printing finish that gives print design projects an extra punch and it helps them to stand out amongst other print design works.

What exactly is foil blocking? Foil blocking is a printing process whereby a thin metallic foil is added to a specific area of your design. Gold, silver and magenta foils are the colours most commonly used in foil blocking however, most printers also offer quite a wide variety of different foil colour options to its clients.

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Design Inspiration: Five projects that will blow your mind


Every now and then, I come across some absolutely stunning examples of impressive graphic design. Some of these projects are so breathtaking that they make me gasp and literally shriek in amazement. I always bookmark these designs and refer back to them when I need inspiration, ideas or even just a little kick to send me on my own way with one of my own designs.

Here are 4 fantastic graphic design projects that have quite simply blown my mind this week. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have and that they inspire you and motivate you to be a better designer.

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