Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials

Making of the Main Street Mint 3D Logo Project

A client contacted us to create a 3d version of the Main Street logo. The logo was provided as a vector file seen below. Even though this freshly designed logo was a new design, the challenge was to create a 3d version that looks dated and historic looking. Usually this is not what our clients approach us to create. We normally get asked to make the shiniest, 

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Top 5 Logo Design Tips for Architecture Company or Studio

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For architecture companies, the logo is not merely a way of setting an identity mark. A logo is believed to be a visual representation of your Architecture Company or studio. In fact, it is more than that and expresses the quality of your services in an effective manner. This is the reason why you should have a blast of inspiration and great ideas while designing a logo for the Architecture Company. Before you choose any logo to push your passion to enhance creativity, you must need to know the tips that can help you design a killer logo for your...

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Famous 3D logo designs

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Having a well-designed and personalized logo for your brand is certainly important. In fact, keeping up with the latest trends is indeed mandatory to create a convincing first impression on your clients. With the changing nature of digital marketing and branding, 3D logos are quite popular and trendy these days. Since the logo adds value to a company and displays the vision of your enterprise, you must choose a logo that goes perfectly with your company’s belief. It is no denying that having a logo designed personalized according to your business demand is certainly the best way to put the...

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Why Custom Logo Design is Important for a Small Business

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If you are running a small business you may be apprehensive about the things in which you invest. A custom logo design is one such thing which you may feel is completely unnecessary. As a small business owner, you must know that it is very important for you to invest in custom logo design as it marks your brand’s virtual cornerstone. You must pick a logo design that perfectly symbolizes your business and also makes you stand out among your competitors. Your business logo is the first thing that your customers would come across and you must ensure that it...

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Factors to Consider When Designing the Perfect Logo Brief

Factors to Consider When Designing the Perfect Logo Brief

Companies use a lot of strategies to market their products and services to the public. One of the ways is through logos. A logo is a way to market your brand without actually contacting the audience directly.

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