Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials

28 new logo templates released!

New logo releases

We've just released 28 new logo templates and with this collection, we decided to concentrate more on "green industry" business themes.

Among the new designs are:

We're also fascinated by the new direction computers are heading towards and so (and an homage to the lovely Ipad) came up with this design as...

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New Product Releases

New logo releases

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McDonald's eco friendly logo... Riiiiiiight...

Logo & Brand review

I was just video chatting with a friend of mine in the United Kingdom, when I noticed that I was able to see the evening lights of London. I've always enjoyed visiting the United Kingdom, especially London - just love it, so I asked him to move his laptop closer to the window so that I can take a look around the view from his window.

I wish I hadn't... There's a McDonald's right across his flat...

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Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts

Press Release

2010 Governor General's Award Winners

Sure we have lousy winters here in Canada, but no other country comes even close to encouraging and nurturing Art and Artists the way Canada does - and we hope to keep it that way, yes, I'm talking to you Prime Minister Harper (with utmost respect of course).

Today, at the Cinémathèque Québécoise here in Montreal, the winners of the 2010 Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts were...

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fashion logo templates

Fashion logo templates

It's the end of Montreal Fashion week here in our fair city and I must say this year's was a very good one. Even though there was some fair amount of eccentricity, which in itself was very entertaining!

I was very interested in the Dimitri Chris men's collection but then you literally couldn't see anything from the collection on the runway! Why? Well, the entire show was done in a lightning...

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