Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

Neue Haas Grotesk: the precursor of Helvetica

Design & Style

Helvetica is probably the most used font in the recent times, making it a symbol of clean-modern-minimalistic design. But do we know anything about its origins (besides of being a swiss font)? Well, Helvetica wouldn't have seen the light of day if it weren't for its precursor Neue Haas Grotesk. But before that a bit of context: in Germany in the 19th century a new family of typefaces...

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Cartography Love: A black map you can draw on

Design & Style

Do you ever find yourself staring blankly at a wall either at home or the office? What about turning that wandering into a dream of infinite travelling or reminiscence of others past? Korean store Knockhas created a large format, entirely black world map that can be pretty much used as wallpaper (it's made out of paper and its size is 930 x 620 cm). Besides of being beautiful it...

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Vintage Graphic Design: Classic Movie Bus Passes

Design & Style

Via Immortal EphemeraI came across this beautiful collection of vintage movie bus passes that were given in the 1940's in St. Louis. It's an extensive collection of 212 pieces that feature old movie stars and classic illustrations from the early stages of graphic design. Considering the printing techniques of that time, most of the passes are printed in two colours and the use of...

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Typographic love: Bacon Alphabet

Design & Style

Henry Hargreavesis a Brooklyn based artist and photographer that has some really creative work under his arm. His philosophy is based on a twist of 'classic' subjects that come out as either provocative or just plain entertaining. He has so many great pieces in his portfolio that I just had to go for one that meat and type lovers (I wonder if these 2 go hand by hand?) can actually...

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Logo Design: How famous logos translate in other languages

Design & Style

In the current times of globalization, famous brands have expanded their businesses overseas. This represents a particular challenge in countries that don't share the same language as the original and most of the time the logos need a translated version of them in the language they're being presented. It's very interesting to see how the icons we know and recognize by their...

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