Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

Graphic design classics: Vintage Propaganda

Design & Style

Since the early starts of humanity there's been a need of communicating through visual language. Throughout history diverse media have used these graphic resources in their favour as a way to alienate people. Propaganda is fundamental for the imposition of ideologies and one clear example of this, are the propaganda campaigns that different versions of fascism used at the time in...

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Beautiful branding: Baker D. Chirico

Design & Style

Daniel Chirico is Australia's most famous traditional baker and for the opening of his 2nd store he worked with the design studio Fabio Ongarato Design who came up with amazing results. The basic concept was to keep a traditional look with an updated design twist with a couple of surrealists details. (A wink to De Chirico's surrealist art, i.e. the checkered tiles,maybe?) I...

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Beautiful illustrations: geometrical philosophy

Design & Style

Genis Carrerasis a London based graphic designer that has some very interesting work under his arm. In the midst of minimalistic suprematism (pun intended) in the design trends, he took a whole different direction. His focus is a fairly complex subject to take from a graphic point of view, even more in a minimalistic-geometric form. This particular projectconsists in a...

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Graphic Design Classics: Wilhelmwerk

Design & Style

Wilhelmwerk was an advertising studio ran by Wilhelm Heinrich Deffke and Carl Ernst Hinkefussfrom 1916 to 1920 in Germany. Both designers were part of the modernist movement that was going on at the time in Germany, in fact Ernst was involved with the Bauhaus. Their work is a perfect example of the trends of that time, mainly the construction of illustrations based on simple...

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Editorial beauties: The Neversink Library

Design & Style

Cristopher Brian Kingis a graphic designer and illustrator that currently works in the independent literary publisher Melville House. For the Neversink Library collection he came up with a beautiful series of covers that have a clear editorial line. Relying on flat colours and simple illustrations, each book has a different profile (either person or animal) over a solid colour....

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