Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

Great Illustrations: Pictographic songs

Design & Style

Viktor Herz, swedish graphic designer and creator of the Honest Logoseries, has brought up a different version of illustrated minimalistic interpretations of the overdone movie posters- he decided to take this approach with popular songs. Based on the song titles and lyric he has come up with a series of pictograms that are actually really clever and might put a smile upon your...

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Cartography love: Wind Map

Design & Style

After running into the sea currents map, another version of time-lapse earth flows visualization has caught my attention. This time it's about Wind Map, a real-time visualization of the wind currents in the US. In their website they refer to the inspiration of this project as an invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and...

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Typography Love: FRUSTRO, the infinite typeface

Design & Style

If you like the work of M. C. Escher, then FRUSTRO might be right up in your alley! Martzi Hegedűs is a hungarian designer that has a soft spot for the special geometry of Escher, specially the iconic Penrose triangle(also known as the impossible triangle) on which he based his typographic work. So how come can a typography become impossible? Taking Escher's geometric principles as a...

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Great Branding: Passeio Publico

Design & Style

Lisboa is probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has a very distinct atmosphere and a relaxed pace and when walking through its streets you can find precious little treasures in the form of sculptures, mosaics or painted tiles. To live up to its beauty, the Associação Passeio Público (public walk association) commanded GOMAstudio to create a visual identity for...

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Identity Design: Anonymous

Design & Style

If you're an active user of the internet, it's more than likely that you've heard about Anonymous and what they're all about. Danish graphic designer Mads Jakob Poulsenasked himself what would be the results if Anonymous would go corporate and came up with a visual identity mock-up for it. The first element to approach is the 'brand', and how the global-anonimity that gives life to...

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