Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

Old School Crafts: Glass Signs

Design & Style

Apparently the overall direction the design world is taking is towards a revindication of old school crafts, such as handmade furniture, hand-printed cards/posters (i.e. letterpress) and pretty much everything traditional. Personally I think it's an appropriate decision to go down that route, specially because it focuses more on the quality of the product more than the mass production...

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New art trends: Light Installations

Design & Style Design Videos

Via ThisiscolossalI've noticed a trend among art installations that are shared on the web. They all have light in common, but in a dynamic way. Two of the following examples involve the application of led lights onto bodysuits -or similar- to create an illusion of bright moving silhouettes. They have been called "light sculptures" or "light paintings" and they live up to their...

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Great advertising: Minimalistic Lego Campaign

Design & Style

Alright, I know minimalism has been discussed quite a bit around here, but it's become huge and apparently everyone's getting on board. This time, german agency Jung von Matt (which some people point some questionable work under their arm) created a campaign for Lego called Imagine and basically turns our 80's nostalgia into it's most basic forms. The concept is pretty simple: lovable...

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Nazi stolen posters returned to their owner

Design & Style

With the nazis taking over Germany and Europe, lots of artistic pieces were stolen or plainly lost during the messy years that followed WWII. That's the case of Dr. Hans Sachs, the jewish publisher of the magazine Das Plakat, which focused on the posters art that was so very popular in the interwar period. Since he was young and for over 30 years he started collecting posters from...

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Great infographics: the history of beer

Design & Style

A lot of you probably celebrated St. Patrick's Day this last weekend and most likely (myself included) had a beer or two. But how much do we really know about beer? For starters, beer has accompanied men since humanity's early starts, even being a fundamental part of the ancient egyptians' lives and being a central element that probably saved a lot of people in the middle ages/pre-medical...

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