Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

The Yuri Gagarin Google Logo

Design & Style

Today, Google celebrates a very important day in history with a special Google logo for Yuri Gagarin. Yuri was the first human being in space, and 50 years ago today he made his historic flight to space in the Vostok spacecraft, on April 12, 1961.

The commemorative logo is unique for Google in that it is animated and you see Yuri and the Vostok launch off into space.

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Typographic Book Covers That Inspire and Delight

Design & Style

"Type design is one of the most visible and widespread forms of graphic expression in daily life. It is still not noticed by all readers of newspapers, magazines or books. Nevertheless letter forms reflect the style of a period, and its cultural background.

We are surrounded by them everywhere. The designer of new typefaces works in extremely small dimensions in shaping a letter, and he is also limited by the traditional forms of the alphabet. There are few possibilities for new ideas, for a good design should not have eccentric and unusual details.
But the compromises required in designing for metal type can be ignored today because the new digital technology allows freedom in making new designs.

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Fontularity: Most Popular Fonts by Operating System

Design & Style

It's always fascinated me that people are drawn to the fonts they are naturally drawn to. What misfire in the human brain makes people want to use Comic Sans? What unseen force propels designers in 2011 to use Papyrus to make a movie poster? Who would win in a fight? Helvetica or Arial? Both are strong and bold, but both are tired from overuse! These are the questions that plague the mind of the typography junkie.

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Smirnoff’s Peelable Caipiroska Bottles

Design & Style


We love these new promo bottles of Smirnoff’s new flavored Caipiroska. The bottles are packaged in a perforated material that can be ‘skinned’ like the fruit they are flavored as, be it lemon, strawberry or passion fruit. According to Smirnoff:

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Biblioteca Tetris Bookshelf

Design & Style

As a Tetris fan, and as a person who owns lots of books, I made it my mission to find a bookshelf like this after seeing this video. I found a beautiful one at Brave Space Design, called the Tetrad Mega. If you are feeling particularly handy, you can always do it yourself, with these step by step instructions from Craftszine.

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