Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials

Material Behaviour Typography by Thomas Wirtz

3d 3d print typography

Material Behaviour Typography by Thomas Wirtz

Typography Experiment Here is a very interesting collection of experimental typography by various organic materials created by Thomas Wirtz. To fully appreciate the effects and process we recommend watching the video, this is a truly wonderful work. The 3D model is created by a 3d Printer first, which sets the stage to have this beautiful experiments to take place. The contrast between the model and the organic materials or effects, create a subtle yet very effective visual impression especially in motion.            

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Artist Transitions: from Beginner to Masterpiece

Artist Transitions: from Beginner to Masterpiece

I always enjoy searching the internet and looking at artists designs and drawings. There are so many amazingly talented people in this world. I am always amazed when I discover an artist's early works and then see their more polished newer pieces. You can see how their years of practices mold their art. Artists have a passion for creating their drawings. When they first begin they don’t have the skills or technique to create what they want. When they practice over and over and learn techniques they improve and eventually you can see the result is quite striking. I was...

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The Art of Calligraphy and Font in a Logo Design

Calligraphy How to Draw letter draw

The Art of Calligraphy and Font in a Logo Design

- A Highlight on a Designer

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Things to Consider When Planning Your 3D Logo Design

Things to Consider When Planning Your 3D Logo Design

Things to Consider When Planning Your 3D Logo Design   Planning your logo for your business is a very important decision. Therefore, you want to take your time and talk at length with your logo designer about the vision you have for your logo. One path some businesses take is to have their logo be designed in 3 dimensions. This allows it to be more dynamic visually. A 3d logo design online stands out and it also lends itself well to animation. Having a 3D logo design can give your business an edge in being recognized.  Working with your 3D...

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5 Useful Logo Design Tips

Formula 1 kenzo logo mindshare movistar qantas logo sony ericsson

5 Useful Logo Design Tips

A well designed logo can help catch the eye of customers and keep your business in their memory for future years to come. A catchy logo becomes a symbol that customers display proudly on their car or laptop, thus spreading your company’s brand beyond its original customer base. Therefore, it is critical to have a well thought out logo. There are many techniques that can go into creating a catchy design. Today I will review 5 techniques to consider discussing with your designer that can add depth to a logo. Utilize Negative Space or Whitespace  This type of technique in...

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