Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Industry News

7 Cool Time-saving iPhone Features

Industry News

The iPhone is one of those amazing new technology developments of the last century that has changed the world that we live in. Because of the iPhone, so many cool tools and features are now available to us that are within reach of our fingertips. Here are 7 of those cool iPhone features that help save us time and make our every day lives a little bit easier. Enjoy!

1. Customize Alert...

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Cool 2D Flat Surface Free Background Maker

Free Wallpapers Industry News

Wanna experience something cool? Would you like to see how someone is making art with computer code? While my friend at Pixellogo was cruising the Internet the other day, he discovered this amazing new 2d flat surface free background maker that was created as a joint effort between Matthew Wagerfield and Tobias van Schneider.

Flat surface shader

What is it exactly?The Flat Surface Shader is based on the...

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Best Entertainment Apps for iPhone & iPad: Music & Video

Industry News

Here is a list of some amazing entertainment apps out there for your iPhone and iPad. These apps are great ways for you to keep up with all your favorite movies and TV shows as well as being great tools for discovering new music.

Netflix App Icon

Are you a Netflix member already? If you are and you don’t have this app yet, what are you waiting for? Add this app to your iPhone or iPad...

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Top 10 Best Google Doodles and Google Logos

doodle logo doodles google logo Industry News

Top 10 Best Google Doodles and Google Logos

Google is a great company. They are inventive, original, and they are leading the world in ideas, innovation and technology. They are a company that keeps us all on our toes and Google Doodles are a perfect example of this.

Google Doodles are entertaining illustrations and games created by Google. Have you ever gone to the Google website and instead of the normal Google...

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Best Social Media Apps for iPhone & iPad

Industry News

Are you looking for new social media apps that you can try? Here is a list of some awesome social media apps out there for your iPhone and iPad. If you don’t have them yet, these apps would be great additions to your device.

Facebook App for iPhone Facebook App for iPhone

Maybe it is a little cheesy to list this as the first one but let’s be honest… how many of you check FB daily? This FB app...

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