Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Industry News
Industry News: Myspace Is Back And With A Brand New Look
So apparently everyone and their sister is getting a makeover lately and this time I got you the news of the latest to board on that ship and rising up from the dead: Myspace. The once super popular social network is coming back full force with the help of new celebrity investor Justin Timberlakeand they're aiming for the big leagues. Their new look is actually pretty decent and very up...
Industry News: Microsoft Reveals New Logo After 25 Years
It was long due but the moment is finally here: Microsoft's logo got a makeover. So what's the direction they went after the already classic four-colored waving flag? They opted for a minimal approach keeping the signature colors but applied to a flat logo that consists of four squares in replacement of the previous flag. The opinions about this new look are divided, either considering it a...
London 2012 Snippets: Royal Mail Gold Medal Stamps

Editorial News: A Perfume That Smells Like A New Book
Book lovers of the world might know this perfectly: there's nothing better than a brand new book with its distinct smell. It could compare to the new-car smell that people seem to be so fond of, but a quality printed book has a very distinct scent that I'm sure other fellow book suckers know pretty well. This is known by legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who suggested the idea of...
Typographic Love: Blur's new Lyrics Videoclips
After a 2 year break Blur has released two new songs in a very contemporary manner. They have embraced the new way of fans interacting with artists and for that they made their new songs' debut via a live stream through twitter. Accompanying the new singles they also created the following lyrics videos, beautiful pieces of typographic work in two very different styles: neon type and a more...