Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Industry News

Typographic News: Bild's Cover In Handwriting

Industry News

Today's cover of German newspaper Bild reads "ALARM! Handwriting is dying!"- and to take things into matter they released a completely handwritten front page. In the style of a scrapbook the newspaper managed to display their news in old, plain handwriting reminding us that it still exists!

The report states that the overpowering use of smartphones and computers is going to overtake the...

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Logo Design News: UAE's New Logo Up For Voting

Competitions Industry News

Following the trend of open contestsfor national logos, the United Arab Emirates are holding their own campaign to choose their new identity. There are 5 proposals in competition which are going to be voted by the public. The brief of the project is to promote a unified identity of the UEA to be used locally and internationally, as a way to portray a strong visual identity. Unlike...

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Graphic Design News: Denmark Unveils Their EU Presidency Logo

Industry News

Denmark is the country next in line to lead the Presidency of the European Union. Taking over after Poland on January 1st, Denmark will be on the head of the EU for half a year. The visual identity was chosen from a contest, and considering Danish design's reputation the entries where pretty good. The logo that took the price though is the one that -in my opinion- portrays in a perfectly...

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Logo Design News: I Love NY Logo Gets a Makeover

Industry News

NYC's trademark I Love NY logo is getting an update! The city governor Andrew Cuomo called all residents and tourists to come up with a proposal to modify the original logo. Created by Milton Glaser in the 1970's with the purpose to boost the city's touristic identity, it's been ever since one of the most iconic and recognizable logos in the world being used in pretty much every touristy...

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Graphic Design News: London Olympics Tickets Are Here!

Industry News

With the imminent start of the London Olympic Games the final details are starting to come up. This time it's the official release of the tickets for the event, an interesting design that comes to accompany the already controversialvisual identity of the games. Nevertheless, nobody can deny that the Olympics do have a very distinct look this year and to be honest, it might just make...

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