Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

15 of the Best Movie Posters From 2010

Design & Style

What makes a great movie poster, one that not only attracts interest in the movie but remains memorable for decades?

The Golden Globes handed out their statues this weekend to the best in film and television, so we couldn't think of a better time to look back at the year in movie poster design. We chose the following 15 because they have found a striking balance between advertising and art. What were your favorites of 2010?

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The Graphic, Production and Font Design of TRON: Legacy

Design & Style

Graphic designers all over the world were blown away by the poster artwork, the TRON logo design, and the set production design in the recently released sequel to TRON. The world created in the film is a modern designer's dreamscape, complete with stunning visions of a virtual landscape and mind-blowing interiors.

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10 of 2010's Best Book Cover Designs

Design & Style

Atticus Waller, who is an accomplished graphic designer, recently said the following about book cover design:

"When designing a book cover, I have six ideal goals: 1) A cover should communicate the book's content, be that the story or simply the mood. Reading the book first is important. 2) The graphics should convey only one conceptual statement about the book, which should nest neatly with the imagery. Avoid graphics with no conceptual reason for being. 3) Cover text should be cohesively incorporated into the imagery. 4) The cover should attract those who'll enjoy the book once drawn in. 5) The cover should stand out amongst many books from across a room. 6) The cover should satisfy the client I'm designing for and the author of the book."

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Choosing a Blog Template and Logo For Your Business

Design & Style

Thinking about starting a blog in order to improve your small business? Or, are you just bringing your business online, and you want to better communicate with customers and clients?

Business blogs are one of the best, most cost efficient ways to build web traffic and connect with your potential customers. For small business owners without the time to learn web HTML or the budget to hire a...

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Impressive Design Inspired by Nature

Design & Style

Every now and then, I come across someone's design work that seems to strike a special chord with me. Something about their work draws me in and holds me there for a second. The hectic world around me seems to stop. Their work makes me question, it makes me think and makes me look at the world just a little bit differently than I did the day before. It happens to me most often work with that appeals to my inner self on multiple levels.

The fabulous work of Verónica Martínez does just that.

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