Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials

Could a Dry Herb Vaporizer Help You be More Creative?

herb marijuana vaporizer

Could a Dry Herb Vaporizer Help You be More Creative?

It’s important to know that marijuana doesn’t possess any magical properties that will breathe new life into any and all creative work you’ve got to do, and maybe it won’t have the same effect as it used to. Still, there is a reason that pot is so heavily linked to various forms of artistry, and Lord knows it has certainly contributed to many timeless classics in the world of music, painting, and filmmaking.

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7 New Corporate Brands Redesign and Refreshed

brand identity logo redesign redesign

7 New Corporate Brands Redesign and Refreshed

Companies are regularly adjusting, redesigning and updating their logos to keep their image fresh, some more often than others. While there are many reasons why they need to make those logo design changes, Its never an easy decision, even the smallest logo update usually comes with a high price tag, there is no way around it. A brand that's looking dated and tired can have a negative effect on the bottom line.

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Real Life 3D Logos, Cool Artistic Signages that Elevates Brands

3d logo 3d logos sign

Real Life 3D Logos, Cool Artistic Signages that Elevates Brands

We see 3d logos almost everyday, its hard to miss one unless you love in the mountains and far away from civilization, its almost impossible to miss one, what am I referring to? I'm talking about commercial business signage, the real 3d logos. When they are designed properly and produced with great quality and detail, they enhance the brand and the presence of any business.

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Intro and loop logo Animations, whats the difference?

intro animation logo animation loop animation

Intro and loop logo Animations, whats the difference?

The beauty of a logo animation mostly comes from its imaginative story that it tells in a few seconds then all the special effects that squeezed in a few seconds. The special effects might impress us for the first and maybe a second time, but a funny, witty storyline makes us watch it over and over again without getting tired, just like your favorite movie or cartoon. We love to watch it all over again and stay tuned when we see our favorite show.

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5 Ways to Personalize a Logo Template

color change fonts logo template

5 Ways to Personalize a Logo Template

Logo templates are designed to look at their best when they are displayed in a catalog, but that does not mean you should use it just as its displayed. No, we are not talking about customizing just the company name. The name change is the most obvious aspect of the design. You still need to personalize it with your taste and knowledge to make it unique to your company.

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