Tips and News on Logo Design and Tutorials — Design & Style

Beautiful branding: Theurel & Thomas

Design & Style

Therurel & Thomas is a french style patisserie specialized in macaroons, those beautiful and delicious pastries that make mouths water. Anagramais the studio in charge of their visual identity that focuses on a classic french look, all white with elegant little details that reflect the spirit of the brand. The corporate design that they created emphasizes on this upscale style...

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Invisible people holding stuff

Design & Style

I'm sure that by now you may have seen the popular trend of designers holding postersfor presentation purposes. It's a nice change from the flat visualization that has been the standard for so long but like all things trendy, backlash is a given. What I like about the display of a poster in a real context is that you can see it in a real scale and how it would actually look like...

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Brilliant data visualization: Ville Vivant

Design & Style

The City of Geneva alongside with Interactive Things have come up with an amazing project that has the purpose of visualizing all the mobile phones activities that are conducted in the city, a pretty extensive task if you consider there are over 10 million cell phones in Switzerland (more than its population). This project is called Ville Vivant (living city in french) name that makes...

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Move over Instagram: pxl is here

Design & Style

Thanks to the rise of the retro trend Instagram has become an obsession for a lot of people. Maybe it's the nostalgic feel to the photographs or how everything immediately looks artistic or whatever other reason that makes users turn to Instagram. But let's face it, there's nothing new in it, it's just filters of styles that have been already used to the infinity and quite frankly the...

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Cool design: Typographic maps by Paula Scher

Design & Style

Paula Scheris an american graphic designer, artist and educator that is at the top of the game in the industry. I came across her work on typographic maps and it's definitely impressive. The maps are complicated pieces of work, the paintings are saturated with information that are connected to create the cartography. The illusion of completeness is made out of the typographic work. The...

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